In August 1969, medical student Lizzie Baker sets off on a trip to Woodstock with her boyfriend and two other couples. When their van breaks down outside of Morganton, North Carolina, the group decides to hike up nearby Brown Mountain while they...
Brown Kindle Books
Dirty Dope. It happens all the time. Deaths from overdoses of heroin. Now it was more than that. Narcotics agents muttered that the Mexican Brown heroin coming in across the border was some strange mix dirty...and deadly. Mark Hardin has a line on...
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New York Times BestsellerFrom the New York Times bestselling author of An Altar in the World, Barbara Brown Taylor’s Learning to Walk in the Dark provides a way to find spirituality in those times when we don’t have all the answers.Taylor has...
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Back in the day, green-eyed Stanley David Brown was a ladies’ man. Now he’s God’s man, and he’s got a lot of cleaning up to do. But where does an absentee father start in the quest to get to know the children he abandoned? Will they give...